This week, History Buff, Citizen Scientist and Wall Street Tech Guru Tucker Goodrich shares how he healed himself of diverticulitis, irritable bowel Syndrome, and stroke-like symptoms all by changing his diet. Getting little help from contemporary medicine, Tucker decided to focus his professional problem-solving skills towards his personal health issues. This ultimately lead to eliminating wheat and omega 6 seed oils from his diet and resulted in immediate resolution of his symptoms.
During our conversation, Tucker reveals how he identified the disease creating culprits in his diet, how his health has improved since he eliminated wheat and processed seed oils, and more importantly, what this may mean for you and your risk of exposure to omega 6 seed oils and other nutritional toxins.
Key Takeaways:
[5:25] The interconnected worlds of computer science and medical science.
[10:25] Tucker started at the source using his family's medical history as square one.
[19:42] Omega 6 seed oils come from whole foods.
[30:23] Cholesterol and Heart Disease ? are they related?
[38:38] American food drastically altered the diet in the 'Blue Zone' of Okinawa, Japan.
[43:45] What happened when Tucker removed processed seed oils from his diet?
[50:50] Unpacking the studies and discoveries that led to this conversation about Omega 6.
Mentioned in This Episode:
I just listened to this podcast episode featuring Tucker Goodrich about too much Omega 6. It was very insightful!
I've been eating keto for almost 4 years, which seems to have solved many of my health issues. About a month ago I stopped eating certain seeds when I learned that the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio is extremely high. It was just an experiment because I was eating a lot of these seeds thinking it was appropriate on a keto diet. In short order, I noticed that my last remaining joint pains went away.
Last week I spent a day working in the hot sun (without sunscreen). At the end of the day I was thinking: "This is really going to hurt tonight." But I was very surprised that I had absolutely no sunburn! Previously, I would have been very sensitive to sunburn. I know correlation does not equal causation. But these unexpected results from my Omega 6 experiment seem to line up with Tucker's analysis.
Keep up the great work with your podcast, Bret. I've listened to every eposide and I learn something useful every time.
Thanks for your comment Marvin. I was absolutely skeptical about the sunburn-omega 6 connection until I heard Tucker and now dozens of examples of a correlation. It is fascinating! And there are even more examples of decreased inflammation. There is far more to omega 6 seed oils than contemporary medicine wants to admit. I am thnakful for people like Tucker for spreading the word. Thanks for listening and for commenting!
Same thing happened to me to – 4 hours a day, summer sun , Malta in the mediterranean, no lotion, no sun burn. ( 18 months no seed oils .
I'm blond, hid from the sun for years
I love hearing these stories. They never cease to amaze me!
Tucker is great. I did a deep dive on his sources in the Breaknutrition podcast, including all the Okuyama and Lands sources and a few more. Tucker is worth every penny/
Agreed! He knows his stuff for sure. Sharp mind, well spoken, and great perspective. I really enjoyed our interview.
I enjoyed it as well. I am 52 and have had triple bypass. I am doing everything possible to help my heart health, including very low carb (carnivore), cutting out sugar and seed oils. I do have a question is the an exhaustive list of the good and bad oils?
Well this is just tremendous and a significant and important correlation that I truly wish every human could get this! What in the world are we doing eating this and feeding it to our children? Thanks for educating with this and other great episodes!
I am fascinated by Tucker’s comments on vegetable oils and the sun….something I had an inkling of from many years ago; I have tried hard to avoid the oils, except for butter, and coconut oils, and I never have a problem of being in the sun. Finally, someone has put it together.
Would eating walnuts count as a seed oil?
I found this blog doing a search: Avoid sun burn eliminate omega-6 from diet. I admit I am no stranger to Peter at Hyperlipid, Tucker G, Saladino Paul nor Dr. Bret, but even before crossing paths with them I had made a notion of not getting more than a mild rosy complexion for staying in the open sun for prolonged time. Now, I have always got sunburn, always, and once had a severe first degree burn with blistering skin at an alpine ski trip disaster which comes vividly to my mind. The worst 72h of my entire life.
So last summer I franticly avoided the last bits of possible LA fats in my diet, by not consuming any pork nor chiken, and as we understand those animals are fed the food we ourselves would not eat either.
And the results were phenomenal. Nice tan, no protection, extensive morning and sunset bathing and moderate mid-day exposure. No crazy stuff done here. It was to be an experiment. My vitamin D3 oh25 drawn at October in serum was 117 or 47 units re. This years exposure has begun. One week already behind and 4 hours of sun bathing even if the temperature is minus 4 celcius outside. Cold exposure is also one of my projects. I do strict carnivore grass fed nose to tail , small fish and eggs some daiary and with a small dose of pure cocoa and honey. That is my story. Hope it resonates with someone. No drugs, not any soap or other chemicals, no toothbrush and mostly dirty hands, I lick them clean. No covid.