#29 Raise Your Protein Intake and Your Insulin IQ

Dr. Ben Bikman

Professor and scientist at BYU

Ben Bikman believes wholeheartedly in a low carb diet. He lives it, he studies it and he educates physicians about it through his Insulin IQ organization. As an Assistant Professor and Scientist at BYU, he focuses on modern day diseases that are influenced by metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. He actively spreads the word about the benefits of a low carb diet whenever, and wherever he can, including Lowcarb Breckenridge which is where we met. During our conversation, we walk through the role of protein in the metabolic system, the fuel requirements of athletes, and why it’s important to separate emotion from science when we talk about food.


Professor Bikman earned his Ph.D. in Bioenergetics and a post-doc fellowship at Duke University, Singapore in metabolic disorders.


Key Takeaways:


[3:01] What is the role of protein in a low-carb lifestyle?

[15:07] The symphony of the endocrine system and fasting thresholds.

[17:42] The risk of the standard American diet.

[23:30] The Keto Carnivore.

[28:50] The protein leverage hypothesis.

[35:21] What is the best fuel for athletic performance?

[43:09] Why is the science in the low carb community better than other sciences?

[51:21] Real world examples of how Professor Bickman’s integrates low carb into his life.


Mentioned in This Episode:

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3 thoughts on “Raise Your Protein Intake and Your Insulin IQ

Dr. Ben Bikman”

  1. Excellent information thank you for sharing so much and time given so freely and with a caring heart. I am so grateful it is making a tremendous positive difference to me and my family.

  2. I cannot obtain an explanation as how using insulin lowers blood glucose levels. I am diagnosed type 2, with really high sugar – 300. I have otherwise good stats: ‘normal’ insulin resistance, good blood pressure, no heart problems, almost daily yoga exercise, have been Keto for about 4 years thru KetoCarole, no alcohol.
    I also cannot get any medical treatment/information for my particular problem in Oregon. Why do my blood sugar numbers stay so high. I am not really interested I taking meds.

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Thank you for your question. This is an interesting topic that deserves a detailed analysis and explanation. We don’t feel the blog is an appropriate forum for this. Typically, for a more individualized approach and answer, we recommend signing up for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Scher, but he does not currently practice in OR. You can still fill the form, however, to be notified if and when he is able to practice in your state.

      In the meantime, Dr. Scher does offer a 6 month program open to everyone regardless of state. It’s called the 6 Month Boundless Health program. That could be a great help to you!

      We hope this helped, best of luck and keep up the good work with your positive and healthy lifestyle.

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