Consult With Dr. Scher
Remote Consult
You don’t have to limit yourself to the doctors within a 25-mile radius who just don’t get it. With a medical consultation with Dr. Scher, you can connect over video with a board-certified cardiologist who thinks outside the current failing norms of our healthcare system.
Focused on you
This is a 90-minute consultation with the focus solely on you. When is the last time you spent 90 minutes speaking with your local doctor about your health, lifestyle, and concerns?
Understanding your History
Prior to the initial medical consultation, Dr. Scher will thoroughly review your past health records. Then during the 90-minute consultation, he will perform a relevant medical history, review specific medical tests, and explore your lifestyle habits in depth. He will also make medical recommendations, just like the doctors you visit at their office.
Solving Problems
Not only will he investigate what has worked and what has not, but he will help uncover WHY certain approaches may or may not work well for you. This includes your medications, supplements, your approaches to nutrition, physical activity, exercise, stress management, sleep, social interactions, and more!
Real Recommendations
As a cardiologist and physician with almost 2-decades of clinical experience, he will integrate your health status and your lifestyle to provide clear and actionable recommendations to get you on your path to health.