Here’s how you can consult directly with
Dr. Scher and achieve your Best Health Ever!

1 Year Concierge Program

This concierge program is for people who want a more consistent approach with a doctor they know and trust.

You will have open access to meet with Dr. Scher, board-certified cardiologist and lipidologist and the opportunity to deeply explore your lifestyle, long-term health concerns, and novel opportunities to optimize your health. These opportunities include advanced testing, in-depth nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, and proper use of medications and supplements when necessary.

One Time Medical Consult

This concierge program is for people who want a more consistent approach with a doctor they know and trust.

You will have open access to meet with Dr. Scher, board-certified cardiologist and lipidologist and the opportunity to deeply explore your lifestyle, long-term health concerns, and novel opportunities to optimize your health. These opportunities include advanced testing, in-depth nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, and proper use of medications and supplements when necessary.

Important Information About These Programs

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